Source code for ops.charm

# Copyright 2019-2021 Canonical Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Base objects for the Charm, events and metadata."""

import dataclasses
import enum
import logging
import pathlib
from typing import (

from ops import model
from ops._private import yaml
from ops.framework import (

    from typing_extensions import Required

    _Scopes = Literal['global', 'container']
    _RelationMetaDict = TypedDict(
        '_RelationMetaDict', {
            'interface': Required[str],
            'limit': int,
            'optional': bool,
            'scope': _Scopes},

    _MultipleRange = TypedDict('_MultipleRange', {'range': str})
    _StorageMetaDict = TypedDict('_StorageMetaDict', {
        'type': Required[str],
        'description': str,
        'shared': bool,
        'read-only': bool,
        'minimum-size': str,
        'location': str,
        'multiple-range': str,
        'multiple': _MultipleRange
    }, total=False)

    _ResourceMetaDict = TypedDict(
        '_ResourceMetaDict', {
            'type': Required[str],
            'filename': str,
            'description': str},

    _MountDict = TypedDict(
        '_MountDict', {'storage': Required[str],
                       'location': str},

class _ContainerBaseDict(TypedDict):
    name: str
    channel: str
    architectures: List[str]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HookEvent(EventBase): """Events raised by Juju to progress a charm's lifecycle. Hooks are callback methods of a charm class (a subclass of :class:`CharmBase`) that are invoked in response to events raised by Juju. These callback methods are the means by which a charm governs the lifecycle of its application. The :class:`HookEvent` class is the base of a type hierarchy of events related to the charm's lifecycle. :class:`HookEvent` subtypes are grouped into the following categories - Core lifecycle events - Relation events - Storage events - Metric events """
[docs]class ActionEvent(EventBase): """Events raised by Juju when an administrator invokes a Juju Action. This class is the data type of events triggered when an administrator invokes a Juju Action. Callbacks bound to these events may be used for responding to the administrator's Juju Action request. To read the parameters for the action, see the instance variable :attr:`params`. To respond with the result of the action, call :meth:`set_results`. To add progress messages that are visible as the action is progressing use :meth:`log`. """ id: str = "" """The Juju ID of the action invocation.""" params: Dict[str, Any] """The parameters passed to the action.""" def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', id: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(handle) = id # type: ignore (for backwards compatibility)
[docs] def defer(self) -> NoReturn: """Action events are not deferrable like other events. This is because an action runs synchronously and the administrator is waiting for the result. Raises: RuntimeError: always. """ raise RuntimeError('cannot defer action events')
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to record the action. Not meant to be called directly by charm code. """ = cast(str, snapshot['id']) # Params are loaded at restore rather than __init__ because # the model is not available in __init__. self.params = self.framework.model._backend.action_get()
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ return {'id':}
[docs] def set_results(self, results: Dict[str, Any]): """Report the result of the action. Juju eventually only accepts a str:str mapping, so we will attempt to flatten any more complex data structure like so:: >>> {'a': 'b'} # becomes: 'a'='b' >>> {'a': {'b': 'c'}} # becomes: 'a.b'='c' >>> {'a': {'b': 'c', 'd': 'e'}} # becomes: 'a.b'='c', 'a.d' = 'e' >>> {'a.b': 'c', 'a.d': 'e'} # equivalent to previous Note that duplicate keys are not allowed, so this is invalid:: >>> {'a': {'b': 'c'}, 'a.b': 'c'} Note that the resulting keys must start and end with lowercase alphanumeric, and can only contain lowercase alphanumeric, hyphens and periods. Because results are passed to Juju using the command line, the maximum size is around 100KB. However, actions results are designed to be small: a few key-value pairs shown in the Juju CLI. If larger content is needed, store it in a file and use something like ``juju scp``. If any exceptions occur whilst the action is being handled, juju will gather any stdout/stderr data (and the return code) and inject them into the results object. Thus, the results object might contain the following keys, additionally to those specified by the charm code: - Stdout - Stderr - Stdout-encoding - Stderr-encoding - ReturnCode Args: results: The result of the action as a Dict Raises: ModelError: if a reserved key is used. ValueError: if ``results`` has a mix of dotted/non-dotted keys that expand out to result in duplicate keys, for example: :code:`{'a': {'b': 1}, 'a.b': 2}`. Also raised if a dict is passed with a key that fails to meet the format requirements. OSError: if extremely large (>100KB) results are provided. """ self.framework.model._backend.action_set(results)
[docs] def log(self, message: str): """Send a message that a user will see while the action is running. Args: message: The message for the user. """ self.framework.model._backend.action_log(message)
[docs] def fail(self, message: str = ''): """Report that this action has failed. Args: message: Optional message to record why it has failed. """ self.framework.model._backend.action_fail(message)
[docs]class InstallEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered when a charm is installed. This event is triggered at the beginning of a charm's lifecycle. Any associated callback method should be used to perform one-time setup operations, such as installing prerequisite software. """
[docs]class StartEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered immediately after first configuration change. This event is triggered immediately after the first :class:`ConfigChangedEvent`. Callback methods bound to the event should be used to ensure that the charm's software is in a running state. Note that the charm's software should be configured so as to persist in this state through reboots without further intervention on Juju's part. """
[docs]class StopEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered when a charm is shut down. This event is triggered when an application's removal is requested by the client. The event fires immediately before the end of the unit's destruction sequence. Callback methods bound to this event should be used to ensure that the charm's software is not running, and that it will not start again on reboot. """
[docs] def defer(self) -> NoReturn: """Stop events are not deferrable like other events. This is because the unit is in the process of tearing down, and there will not be an opportunity for the deferred event to run. Raises: RuntimeError: always. """ raise RuntimeError('cannot defer stop events')
[docs]class RemoveEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered when a unit is about to be terminated. This event fires prior to Juju removing the charm and terminating its unit. """
[docs] def defer(self) -> NoReturn: """Remove events are not deferrable like other events. This is because the unit is about to be torn down, and there will not be an opportunity for the deferred event to run. Raises: RuntimeError: always. """ raise RuntimeError('cannot defer remove events')
[docs]class ConfigChangedEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered when a configuration change occurs. This event will fire in several situations: - When the admin reconfigures the charm using the Juju CLI, for example ``juju config mycharm foo=bar``. This event notifies the charm of its new configuration. (The event itself, however, is not aware of *what* specifically has changed in the config). - Right after the unit starts up for the first time. This event notifies the charm of its initial configuration. Typically, this event will fire between an :class:`install <InstallEvent>` and a :class:`start <StartEvent>` during the startup sequence (when a unit is first deployed), but in general it will fire whenever the unit is (re)started, for example after pod churn on Kubernetes, on unit rescheduling, on unit upgrade or refresh, and so on. - As a specific instance of the above point: when networking changes (if the machine reboots and comes up with a different IP). Any callback method bound to this event cannot assume that the software has already been started; it should not start stopped software, but should (if appropriate) restart running software to take configuration changes into account. """
[docs]class UpdateStatusEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered by a status update request from Juju. This event is periodically triggered by Juju so that it can provide constant feedback to the administrator about the status of the application the charm is modeling. Any callback method bound to this event should determine the "health" of the application and set the status appropriately. The interval between :class:`update-status <UpdateStatusEvent>` events can be configured model-wide, e.g. ``juju model-config update-status-hook-interval=1m``. """
[docs]class UpgradeCharmEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered by request to upgrade the charm. This event will be triggered when an administrator executes ``juju upgrade-charm``. The event fires after Juju has unpacked the upgraded charm code, and so this event will be handled by the callback method bound to the event in the new codebase. The associated callback method is invoked provided there is no existing error state. The callback method should be used to reconcile current state written by an older version of the charm into whatever form that is needed by the current charm version. """
[docs]class PreSeriesUpgradeEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered to prepare a unit for series upgrade. This event triggers when an administrator executes ``juju upgrade-machine <machine> prepare``. The event will fire for each unit that is running on the specified machine. Any callback method bound to this event must prepare the charm for an upgrade to the series. This may include things like exporting database content to a version neutral format, or evacuating running instances to other machines. It can be assumed that only after all units on a machine have executed the callback method associated with this event, the administrator will initiate steps to actually upgrade the series. After the upgrade has been completed, the :class:`PostSeriesUpgradeEvent` will fire. """
[docs]class PostSeriesUpgradeEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered after a series upgrade. This event is triggered after the administrator has done a distribution upgrade (or rolled back and kept the same series). It is called in response to ``juju upgrade-machine <machine> complete``. Associated charm callback methods are expected to do whatever steps are necessary to reconfigure their applications for the new series. This may include things like populating the upgraded version of a database. Note however charms are expected to check if the series has actually changed or whether it was rolled back to the original series. """
[docs]class LeaderElectedEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered when a new leader has been elected. Juju will trigger this event when a new leader unit is chosen for a given application. This event fires at least once after Juju selects a leader unit. Callback methods bound to this event may take any action required for the elected unit to assert leadership. Note that only the elected leader unit will receive this event. """
[docs]class LeaderSettingsChangedEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered when leader changes any settings. .. deprecated:: 2.4.0 This event has been deprecated in favor of using a Peer relation, and having the leader set a value in the Application data bag for that peer relation. (See :class:`RelationChangedEvent`.) """
[docs]class CollectMetricsEvent(HookEvent): """Event triggered by Juju to collect metrics. Juju fires this event every five minutes for the lifetime of the unit. Callback methods bound to this event may use the :meth:`add_metrics` method of this class to send measurements to Juju. Note that associated callback methods are currently sandboxed in how they can interact with Juju. """
[docs] def add_metrics(self, metrics: Mapping[str, Union[int, float]], labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None): """Record metrics that have been gathered by the charm for this unit. Args: metrics: Key-value mapping of metrics that have been gathered. labels: Key-value labels applied to the metrics. Raises: ModelError: if invalid keys or values are provided. """ self.framework.model._backend.add_metrics(metrics, labels)
[docs]class RelationEvent(HookEvent): """A base class representing the various relation lifecycle events. Relation lifecycle events are generated when application units participate in relations. Units can only participate in relations after they have been "started", and before they have been "stopped". Within that time window, the unit may participate in several different relations at a time, including multiple relations with the same name. """ relation: 'model.Relation' """The relation involved in this event.""" app: model.Application """The remote application that has triggered this event.""" unit: Optional[model.Unit] """The remote unit that has triggered this event. This will be ``None`` if the relation event was triggered as an :class:`Application <model.Application>`-level event. """ def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', relation: 'model.Relation', app: Optional[model.Application] = None, unit: Optional[model.Unit] = None): super().__init__(handle) if unit is not None and != app: raise RuntimeError( f'cannot create RelationEvent with application {app} and unit {unit}') self.relation = relation if app is None: logger.warning("'app' expected but not received.") # Do an explicit assignment here so that we can contain the type: ignore. = None # type: ignore else: = app self.unit = unit
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ snapshot: Dict[str, Any] = { 'relation_name':, 'relation_id':, } if snapshot['app_name'] = if self.unit: snapshot['unit_name'] = return snapshot
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ relation = self.framework.model.get_relation( snapshot['relation_name'], snapshot['relation_id']) if relation is None: raise ValueError( 'Unable to restore {}: relation {} (id={}) not found.'.format( self, snapshot['relation_name'], snapshot['relation_id'])) self.relation = relation app_name = snapshot.get('app_name') if app_name: = self.framework.model.get_app(app_name) else: logger.warning("'app_name' expected in snapshot but not found.") = None # type: ignore unit_name = snapshot.get('unit_name') if unit_name: self.unit = self.framework.model.get_unit(unit_name) else: self.unit = None
[docs]class RelationCreatedEvent(RelationEvent): """Event triggered when a new relation is created. This is triggered when a new integration with another app is added in Juju. This can occur before units for those applications have started. All existing relations will trigger `RelationCreatedEvent` before :class:`StartEvent` is emitted. """ unit: None # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] """Always ``None``."""
[docs]class RelationJoinedEvent(RelationEvent): """Event triggered when a new unit joins a relation. This event is triggered whenever a new unit of a related application joins the relation. The event fires only when that remote unit is first observed by the unit. Callback methods bound to this event may set any local unit data that can be determined using no more than the name of the joining unit and the remote ``private-address`` setting, which is always available when the relation is created and is by convention not deleted. """ unit: model.Unit # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] """The remote unit that has triggered this event."""
[docs]class RelationChangedEvent(RelationEvent): """Event triggered when relation data changes. This event is triggered whenever there is a change to the data bucket for a related application or unit. Look at ``[event.unit/app]`` to see the new information, where ``event`` is the event object passed to the callback method bound to this event. This event always fires once, after :class:`RelationJoinedEvent`, and will subsequently fire whenever that remote unit changes its data for the relation. Callback methods bound to this event should be the only ones that rely on remote relation data. They should not error if the data is incomplete, since it can be guaranteed that when the remote unit or application changes its data, the event will fire again. The data that may be queried, or set, are determined by the relation's interface. """
[docs]class RelationDepartedEvent(RelationEvent): """Event triggered when a unit leaves a relation. This is the inverse of the :class:`RelationJoinedEvent`, representing when a unit is leaving the relation (the unit is being removed, the app is being removed, the relation is being removed). For remaining units, this event is emitted once for each departing unit. For departing units, this event is emitted once for each remaining unit. Callback methods bound to this event may be used to remove all references to the departing remote unit, because there's no guarantee that it's still part of the system; it's perfectly probable (although not guaranteed) that the system running that unit has already shut down. Once all callback methods bound to this event have been run for such a relation, the unit agent will fire the :class:`RelationBrokenEvent`. """ unit: model.Unit # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] """The remote unit that has triggered this event.""" def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', relation: 'model.Relation', app: Optional[model.Application] = None, unit: Optional[model.Unit] = None, departing_unit_name: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(handle, relation, app=app, unit=unit) self._departing_unit_name = departing_unit_name
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ snapshot = super().snapshot() if self._departing_unit_name: snapshot['departing_unit'] = self._departing_unit_name return snapshot
@property def departing_unit(self) -> Optional[model.Unit]: """The :class:`ops.Unit` that is departing, if any. Use this method to determine (for example) whether this unit is the departing one. """ # doing this on init would fail because `framework` gets patched in # post-init if not self._departing_unit_name: return None return self.framework.model.get_unit(self._departing_unit_name)
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ super().restore(snapshot) self._departing_unit_name = snapshot.get('departing_unit')
[docs]class RelationBrokenEvent(RelationEvent): """Event triggered when a relation is removed. If a relation is being removed (``juju remove-relation`` or ``juju remove-application``), once all the units have been removed, this event will fire to signal that the relationship has been fully terminated. The event indicates that the current relation is no longer valid, and that the charm's software must be configured as though the relation had never existed. It will only be called after every callback method bound to :class:`RelationDepartedEvent` has been run. If a callback method bound to this event is being executed, it is guaranteed that no remote units are currently known locally. """ unit: None # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] """Always ``None``."""
[docs]class StorageEvent(HookEvent): """Base class representing storage-related events. Juju can provide a variety of storage types to a charms. The charms can define several different types of storage that are allocated from Juju. Changes in state of storage trigger sub-types of :class:`StorageEvent`. """ storage: 'model.Storage' """Storage instance this event refers to.""" def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', storage: 'model.Storage'): super().__init__(handle) = storage
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ snapshot: Dict[str, Any] = {} if isinstance(, model.Storage): snapshot["storage_name"] = snapshot["storage_index"] = snapshot["storage_location"] = str( return snapshot
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ storage_name = snapshot.get("storage_name") storage_index = snapshot.get("storage_index") storage_location = snapshot.get("storage_location") if storage_name and storage_index is not None: storages = self.framework.model.storages[storage_name] = next( (s for s in storages if s.index == storage_index), None) # type: ignore if is None: raise RuntimeError( f'failed loading storage (name={storage_name!r}, ' f'index={storage_index!r}) from snapshot' ) if storage_location is None: raise RuntimeError( 'failed loading storage location from snapshot.' f'(name={storage_name!r}, index={storage_index!r}, storage_location=None)') = storage_location
[docs]class StorageAttachedEvent(StorageEvent): """Event triggered when new storage becomes available. This event is triggered when new storage is available for the charm to use. Callback methods bound to this event allow the charm to run code when storage has been added. Such methods will be run before the :class:`InstallEvent` fires, so that the installation routine may use the storage. The name prefix of this hook will depend on the storage key defined in the ``metadata.yaml`` file. """
[docs]class StorageDetachingEvent(StorageEvent): """Event triggered prior to removal of storage. This event is triggered when storage a charm has been using is going away. Callback methods bound to this event allow the charm to run code before storage is removed. Such methods will be run before storage is detached, and always before the :class:`StopEvent` fires, thereby allowing the charm to gracefully release resources before they are removed and before the unit terminates. The name prefix of the hook will depend on the storage key defined in the ``metadata.yaml`` file. """
[docs]class WorkloadEvent(HookEvent): """Base class representing workload-related events. Workload events are generated for all containers that the charm expects in metadata. """ workload: 'model.Container' """The workload involved in this event. Workload currently only can be a :class:`Container <model.Container>`, but in future may be other types that represent the specific workload type, for example a machine. """ def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', workload: 'model.Container'): super().__init__(handle) self.workload = workload
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ snapshot: Dict[str, Any] = {} if isinstance(self.workload, model.Container): snapshot['container_name'] = return snapshot
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ container_name = snapshot.get('container_name') if container_name: self.workload = self.framework.model.unit.get_container(container_name) else: self.workload = None # type: ignore
[docs]class PebbleReadyEvent(WorkloadEvent): """Event triggered when Pebble is ready for a workload. This event is triggered when the Pebble process for a workload/container starts up, allowing the charm to configure how services should be launched. Callback methods bound to this event allow the charm to run code after a workload has started its Pebble instance and is ready to receive instructions regarding what services should be started. The name prefix of the hook will depend on the container key defined in the ``metadata.yaml`` file. """
[docs]class PebbleNoticeEvent(WorkloadEvent): """Base class for Pebble notice events (each notice type is a subclass).""" notice: model.LazyNotice """Provide access to the event notice's details.""" def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', workload: 'model.Container', notice_id: str, notice_type: str, notice_key: str): super().__init__(handle, workload) self.notice = model.LazyNotice(workload, notice_id, notice_type, notice_key)
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ d = super().snapshot() d['notice_id'] = d['notice_type'] = (self.notice.type if isinstance(self.notice.type, str) else self.notice.type.value) d['notice_key'] = self.notice.key return d
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ super().restore(snapshot) notice_id = snapshot.pop('notice_id') notice_type = snapshot.pop('notice_type') notice_key = snapshot.pop('notice_key') self.notice = model.LazyNotice(self.workload, notice_id, notice_type, notice_key)
[docs]class PebbleCustomNoticeEvent(PebbleNoticeEvent): """Event triggered when a Pebble notice of type "custom" is created or repeats."""
[docs]class SecretEvent(HookEvent): """Base class for all secret events.""" def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', id: str, label: Optional[str]): super().__init__(handle) self._id = id self._label = label @property def secret(self) -> model.Secret: """The secret instance this event refers to.""" backend = self.framework.model._backend return model.Secret(backend=backend, id=self._id, label=self._label)
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ return {'id': self._id, 'label': self._label}
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ self._id = cast(str, snapshot['id']) self._label = cast(Optional[str], snapshot['label'])
[docs]class SecretChangedEvent(SecretEvent): """Event triggered on the secret observer charm when the secret owner changes its contents. When the owner of a secret changes the secret's contents, Juju will create a new secret revision, and all applications or units that are tracking this secret will be notified via this event that a new revision is available. Typically, the charm will fetch the new content by calling :meth:`event.secret.get_content() <ops.Secret.get_content>` with ``refresh=True`` to tell Juju to start tracking the new revision. """
[docs]class SecretRotateEvent(SecretEvent): """Event triggered on the secret owner charm when the secret's rotation policy elapses. This event is fired on the secret owner to inform it that the secret must be rotated. The event will keep firing until the owner creates a new revision by calling :meth:`event.secret.set_content() <ops.Secret.set_content>`. """
[docs] def defer(self) -> NoReturn: """Secret rotation events are not deferrable (Juju handles re-invocation). Raises: RuntimeError: always. """ raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot defer secret rotation events. Juju will keep firing this ' 'event until you create a new revision.')
[docs]class SecretRemoveEvent(SecretEvent): """Event triggered on the secret owner charm when a secret revision can be removed. When the owner of a secret creates a new revision, and after all observers have updated to that new revision, this event will be fired to inform the secret owner that the old revision can be removed. Typically, the charm will call :meth:`event.secret.remove_revision() <ops.Secret.remove_revision>` to remove the now-unused revision. """ def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', id: str, label: Optional[str], revision: int): super().__init__(handle, id, label) self._revision = revision @property def revision(self) -> int: """The secret revision this event refers to.""" return self._revision
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ data = super().snapshot() data['revision'] = self._revision return data
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ super().restore(snapshot) self._revision = cast(int, snapshot['revision'])
[docs]class SecretExpiredEvent(SecretEvent): """Event triggered on the secret owner charm when a secret's expiration time elapses. This event is fired on the secret owner to inform it that the secret revision must be removed. The event will keep firing until the owner removes the revision by calling :meth:`event.secret.remove_revision() <ops.Secret.remove_revision>`. """ def __init__(self, handle: 'Handle', id: str, label: Optional[str], revision: int): super().__init__(handle, id, label) self._revision = revision @property def revision(self) -> int: """The secret revision this event refers to.""" return self._revision
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Used by the framework to serialize the event to disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ data = super().snapshot() data['revision'] = self._revision return data
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Used by the framework to deserialize the event from disk. Not meant to be called by charm code. """ super().restore(snapshot) self._revision = cast(int, snapshot['revision'])
[docs] def defer(self) -> NoReturn: """Secret expiration events are not deferrable (Juju handles re-invocation). Raises: RuntimeError: always. """ raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot defer secret expiration events. Juju will keep firing ' 'this event until you create a new revision.')
[docs]class CollectStatusEvent(LifecycleEvent): """Event triggered at the end of every hook to collect statuses for evaluation. If the charm wants to provide application or unit status in a consistent way after the end of every hook, it should observe the :attr:`collect_app_status <CharmEvents.collect_app_status>` or :attr:`collect_unit_status <CharmEvents.collect_unit_status>` event, respectively. The framework will trigger these events after the hook code runs successfully (``collect_app_status`` will only be triggered on the leader unit). If any statuses were added by the event handler using :meth:`add_status`, the framework will choose the highest-priority status and set that as the status (application status for ``collect_app_status``, or unit status for ``collect_unit_status``). The order of priorities is as follows, from highest to lowest: * error * blocked * maintenance * waiting * active * unknown If there are multiple statuses with the same priority, the first one added wins (and if an event is observed multiple times, the handlers are called in the order they were observed). A collect-status event can be observed multiple times, and :meth:`add_status` can be called multiple times to add multiple statuses for evaluation. This is useful when a charm has multiple components that each have a status. Each code path in a collect-status handler should call ``add_status`` at least once. Below is an example "web app" charm component that observes ``collect_unit_status`` to provide the status of the component, which requires a "port" config option set before it can proceed:: class MyCharm(ops.CharmBase): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.webapp = Webapp(self) # initialize other components class WebApp(ops.Object): def __init__(self, charm: ops.CharmBase): super().__init__(charm, 'webapp') self.framework.observe(charm.on.collect_unit_status, self._on_collect_status) def _on_collect_status(self, event: ops.CollectStatusEvent): if 'port' not in self.model.config: event.add_status(ops.BlockedStatus('please set "port" config')) return event.add_status(ops.ActiveStatus()) """ # noqa: D405, D214, D411, D416 Final return confuses docstyle.
[docs] def add_status(self, status: model.StatusBase): """Add a status for evaluation. See :class:`CollectStatusEvent` for a description of how to use this. """ if not isinstance(status, model.StatusBase): raise TypeError(f'status should be a StatusBase, not {type(status).__name__}') model_ = self.framework.model if self.handle.kind == 'collect_app_status': if not isinstance(status, model.ActiveStatus): logger.debug('Adding app status %s', status, stacklevel=2) else: if not isinstance(status, model.ActiveStatus): logger.debug('Adding unit status %s', status, stacklevel=2) model_.unit._collected_statuses.append(status)
[docs]class CharmEvents(ObjectEvents): """Events generated by Juju pertaining to application lifecycle. By default, the events listed as attributes of this class will be provided via the :attr:`CharmBase.on` attribute. For example:: self.framework.observe(self.on.config_changed, self._on_config_changed) In addition to the events listed as attributes of this class, dynamically-named events will also be defined based on the charm's metadata (``metadata.yaml``) for relations, storage, actions, and containers. These named events may be accessed as ``self.on[<name>].<event>`` or using a prefix like ``self.on.<name>_<event>``, for example:: self.framework.observe(self.on["db"].relation_created, self._on_db_relation_created) self.framework.observe(self.on.workload_pebble_ready, self._on_workload_pebble_ready) """ # NOTE: The one-line docstrings below are copied from the first line of # each event class's docstring. Please keep in sync. install = EventSource(InstallEvent) """Triggered when a charm is installed (see :class:`InstallEvent`).""" start = EventSource(StartEvent) """Triggered immediately after first configuration change (see :class:`StartEvent`).""" stop = EventSource(StopEvent) """Triggered when a charm is shut down (see :class:`StopEvent`).""" remove = EventSource(RemoveEvent) """Triggered when a unit is about to be terminated (see :class:`RemoveEvent`).""" update_status = EventSource(UpdateStatusEvent) """Triggered periodically by a status update request from Juju (see :class:`UpdateStatusEvent`). """ config_changed = EventSource(ConfigChangedEvent) """Triggered when a configuration change occurs (see :class:`ConfigChangedEvent`).""" upgrade_charm = EventSource(UpgradeCharmEvent) """Triggered by request to upgrade the charm (see :class:`UpgradeCharmEvent`).""" pre_series_upgrade = EventSource(PreSeriesUpgradeEvent) """Triggered to prepare a unit for series upgrade (see :class:`PreSeriesUpgradeEvent`).""" post_series_upgrade = EventSource(PostSeriesUpgradeEvent) """Triggered after a series upgrade (see :class:`PostSeriesUpgradeEvent`).""" leader_elected = EventSource(LeaderElectedEvent) """Triggered when a new leader has been elected (see :class:`LeaderElectedEvent`).""" leader_settings_changed = EventSource(LeaderSettingsChangedEvent) """Triggered when leader changes any settings (see :class:`LeaderSettingsChangedEvent`). .. deprecated: 2.4.0 """ collect_metrics = EventSource(CollectMetricsEvent) """Triggered by Juju to collect metrics (see :class:`CollectMetricsEvent`).""" secret_changed = EventSource(SecretChangedEvent) """Triggered by Juju on the observer when the secret owner changes its contents (see :class:`SecretChangedEvent`). """ secret_expired = EventSource(SecretExpiredEvent) """Triggered by Juju on the owner when a secret's expiration time elapses (see :class:`SecretExpiredEvent`). """ secret_rotate = EventSource(SecretRotateEvent) """Triggered by Juju on the owner when the secret's rotation policy elapses (see :class:`SecretRotateEvent`). """ secret_remove = EventSource(SecretRemoveEvent) """Triggered by Juju on the owner when a secret revision can be removed (see :class:`SecretRemoveEvent`). """ collect_app_status = EventSource(CollectStatusEvent) """Triggered on the leader at the end of every hook to collect app statuses for evaluation (see :class:`CollectStatusEvent`). """ collect_unit_status = EventSource(CollectStatusEvent) """Triggered at the end of every hook to collect unit statuses for evaluation (see :class:`CollectStatusEvent`). """
[docs]class CharmBase(Object): """Base class that represents the charm overall. :code:`CharmBase` is used to create a charm. This is done by inheriting from :code:`CharmBase` and customising the subclass as required. So to create a charm called ``MyCharm``, define a charm class and set up the required event handlers (“hooks”) in its constructor:: import logging import ops def MyCharm(ops.CharmBase): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.framework.observe(self.on.config_changed, self._on_config_changed) self.framework.observe(self.on.stop, self._on_stop) # ... if __name__ == "__main__": ops.main(MyCharm) As shown in the example above, a charm class is instantiated by :code:`ops.main` rather than charm authors directly instantiating a charm. Args: framework: The framework responsible for managing the Model and events for this charm. """ on: CharmEvents = CharmEvents() # type: ignore """This property is used to create an event handler using :meth:`Framework.observe`, and can be one of the events listed at :class:`CharmEvents`. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # to help the type checker and IDEs:
[docs] @property def on(self) -> CharmEvents: ... # noqa
def __init__(self, framework: Framework): super().__init__(framework, None) for relation_name in self.framework.meta.relations: relation_name = relation_name.replace('-', '_') self.on.define_event(f"{relation_name}_relation_created", RelationCreatedEvent) self.on.define_event(f"{relation_name}_relation_joined", RelationJoinedEvent) self.on.define_event(f"{relation_name}_relation_changed", RelationChangedEvent) self.on.define_event(f"{relation_name}_relation_departed", RelationDepartedEvent) self.on.define_event(f"{relation_name}_relation_broken", RelationBrokenEvent) for storage_name in self.framework.meta.storages: storage_name = storage_name.replace('-', '_') self.on.define_event(f"{storage_name}_storage_attached", StorageAttachedEvent) self.on.define_event(f"{storage_name}_storage_detaching", StorageDetachingEvent) for action_name in self.framework.meta.actions: action_name = action_name.replace('-', '_') self.on.define_event(f"{action_name}_action", ActionEvent) for container_name in self.framework.meta.containers: container_name = container_name.replace('-', '_') self.on.define_event(f"{container_name}_pebble_ready", PebbleReadyEvent) self.on.define_event(f"{container_name}_pebble_custom_notice", PebbleCustomNoticeEvent) @property def app(self) -> model.Application: """Application that this unit is part of.""" return @property def unit(self) -> model.Unit: """Unit that this execution is responsible for.""" return self.framework.model.unit @property def meta(self) -> 'CharmMeta': """Metadata of this charm.""" return self.framework.meta @property def charm_dir(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Root directory of the charm as it is running.""" return self.framework.charm_dir @property def config(self) -> model.ConfigData: """A mapping containing the charm's config and current values.""" return self.model.config
def _evaluate_status(charm: CharmBase): # pyright: ignore[reportUnusedFunction] """Trigger collect-status events and evaluate and set the highest-priority status. See :class:`CollectStatusEvent` for details. """ if charm.framework.model._backend.is_leader(): charm.on.collect_app_status.emit() app = if app._collected_statuses: app.status = model.StatusBase._get_highest_priority(app._collected_statuses) charm.on.collect_unit_status.emit() unit = charm.unit if unit._collected_statuses: unit.status = model.StatusBase._get_highest_priority(unit._collected_statuses)
[docs]class CharmMeta: """Object containing the metadata for the charm. This is read from ``metadata.yaml`` and ``actions.yaml``. Generally charms will define this information, rather than reading it at runtime. This class is mostly for the framework to understand what the charm has defined. Args: raw: a mapping containing the contents of metadata.yaml actions_raw: a mapping containing the contents of actions.yaml """ name: str """Name of this charm.""" summary: str """Short description of what this charm does.""" description: str """Long description for this charm.""" maintainers: List[str] """List of email addresses of charm maintainers.""" links: 'MetadataLinks' """Links to more details about the charm.""" tags: List[str] """Charmhub tag metadata for categories associated with this charm.""" terms: List[str] """Charmhub terms that should be agreed to before this charm can be deployed.""" series: List[str] """List of supported OS series that this charm can support. The first entry in the list is the default series that will be used by deploy if no other series is requested by the user. """ subordinate: bool """Whether this charm is intended to be used as a subordinate charm.""" min_juju_version: Optional[str] """Indicates the minimum Juju version this charm requires.""" assumes: 'JujuAssumes' """Juju features this charm requires.""" containers: Dict[str, 'ContainerMeta'] """Container metadata for each defined container.""" requires: Dict[str, 'RelationMeta'] """Relations this charm requires.""" provides: Dict[str, 'RelationMeta'] """Relations this charm provides.""" peers: Dict[str, 'RelationMeta'] """Peer relations.""" relations: Dict[str, 'RelationMeta'] """All :class:`RelationMeta` instances. This is merged from ``requires``, ``provides``, and ``peers``. If needed, the role of the relation definition can be obtained from its :attr:`role <RelationMeta.role>` attribute. """ storages: Dict[str, 'StorageMeta'] """Storage metadata for each defined storage.""" resources: Dict[str, 'ResourceMeta'] """Resource metadata for each defined resource.""" payloads: Dict[str, 'PayloadMeta'] """Payload metadata for each defined payload.""" extra_bindings: Dict[str, None] """Additional named bindings that a charm can use for network configuration.""" actions: Dict[str, 'ActionMeta'] """Actions the charm has defined.""" def __init__(self, raw: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, actions_raw: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): raw_: Dict[str, Any] = raw or {} actions_raw_: Dict[str, Any] = actions_raw or {} # When running in production, this data is generally loaded from # metadata.yaml. However, when running tests, this data is # potentially loaded from charmcraft.yaml (which will be split out # into a metadata.yaml as part of packing). Most of the field names # are the same, but there are some differences that we handle here, # and in _load_links(), so that loading from either file works. = raw_.get('name', '') self.summary = raw_.get('summary', '') self.description = raw_.get('description', '') # The metadata spec says that these should be display-name <email> # (roughly 'name-addr' from RFC 5322). However, many charms have only # an email, or have a URL, or something else, so we leave these as # a plain string. self.maintainers: List[str] = [] # Note that metadata v2 only defines 'maintainers' not 'maintainer'. if 'maintainer' in raw_: self.maintainers.append(raw_['maintainer']) if 'maintainers' in raw_: self.maintainers.extend(raw_['maintainers']) if 'links' in raw_ and 'contact' in raw_['links']: self.maintainers.append(raw_['links']['contact']) self._load_links(raw_) # Note that metadata v2 does not define tags. self.tags = raw_.get('tags', []) self.terms = raw_.get('terms', []) # Note that metadata v2 does not define series. self.series = raw_.get('series', []) self.subordinate = raw_.get('subordinate', False) self.assumes = JujuAssumes.from_list(raw_.get('assumes', [])) # Note that metadata v2 does not define min-juju-version ('assumes' # should be used instead). self.min_juju_version = raw_.get('min-juju-version') self.requires = {name: RelationMeta(RelationRole.requires, name, rel) for name, rel in raw_.get('requires', {}).items()} self.provides = {name: RelationMeta(RelationRole.provides, name, rel) for name, rel in raw_.get('provides', {}).items()} self.peers = {name: RelationMeta(RelationRole.peer, name, rel) for name, rel in raw_.get('peers', {}).items()} self.relations: Dict[str, RelationMeta] = {} self.relations.update(self.requires) self.relations.update(self.provides) self.relations.update(self.peers) self.storages = {name: StorageMeta(name, storage) for name, storage in raw_.get('storage', {}).items()} self.resources = {name: ResourceMeta(name, res) for name, res in raw_.get('resources', {}).items()} self.payloads = {name: PayloadMeta(name, payload) for name, payload in raw_.get('payloads', {}).items()} self.extra_bindings = raw_.get('extra-bindings', {}) self.actions = {name: ActionMeta(name, action) for name, action in actions_raw_.items()} self.containers = {name: ContainerMeta(name, container) for name, container in raw_.get('containers', {}).items()}
[docs] @staticmethod def from_charm_root(charm_root: Union[pathlib.Path, str]): """Initialise CharmMeta from the path to a charm repository root folder.""" _charm_root = pathlib.Path(charm_root) metadata_path = _charm_root / "metadata.yaml" with as f: meta = yaml.safe_load( actions = None actions_path = _charm_root / "actions.yaml" if actions_path.exists(): with as f: actions = yaml.safe_load( return CharmMeta(meta, actions)
def _load_links(self, raw: Dict[str, Any]): websites = raw.get('website', []) if not websites and 'links' in raw: websites = raw['links'].get('website', []) # In YAML, this can be a single string, or a list of strings. if isinstance(websites, str): websites = [websites] sources = raw.get('source', []) if not sources and 'links' in raw: sources = raw['links'].get('source', []) # In YAML, this can be a single string, or a list of strings. if isinstance(sources, str): sources = [sources] issues = raw.get('issues', []) if not issues and 'links' in raw: issues = raw['links'].get('issues', []) # In YAML, this can be a single string, or a list of strings. if isinstance(issues, str): issues = [issues] documentation = raw.get('docs') if documentation is None: documentation = raw.get('links', {}).get('documentation') self.links = MetadataLinks( websites=websites, sources=sources, issues=issues, documentation=documentation, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml( cls, metadata: Union[str, TextIO], actions: Optional[Union[str, TextIO]] = None) -> 'CharmMeta': """Instantiate a :class:`CharmMeta` from a YAML description of ``metadata.yaml``. Args: metadata: A YAML description of charm metadata (name, relations, etc.) This can be a simple string, or a file-like object (passed to ``yaml.safe_load``). actions: YAML description of Actions for this charm (e.g., actions.yaml) """ meta = yaml.safe_load(metadata) raw_actions = {} if actions is not None: raw_actions = cast(Optional[Dict[str, Any]], yaml.safe_load(actions)) if raw_actions is None: raw_actions = {} return cls(meta, raw_actions)
[docs]class RelationRole(enum.Enum): """An annotation for a charm's role in a relation. For each relation a charm's role may be - A Peer - A service consumer in the relation ('requires') - A service provider in the relation ('provides') """ peer = 'peer' requires = 'requires' provides = 'provides'
[docs] def is_peer(self) -> bool: """Report whether this role is 'peer'. ``role.is_peer()`` is a shortcut for ``role == ops.RelationRole.peer``. """ return self is RelationRole.peer
[docs]class RelationMeta: """Object containing metadata about a relation definition. Should not be constructed directly by charm code, but gotten from one of :attr:`CharmMeta.peers`, :attr:`CharmMeta.requires`, :attr:`CharmMeta.provides`, or :attr:`CharmMeta.relations`. """ role: RelationRole """Role this relation takes, one of 'peer', 'requires', or 'provides'.""" relation_name: str """Name of this relation.""" interface_name: Optional[str] """Definition of the interface protocol.""" limit: Optional[int] """Maximum number of connections to this relation endpoint.""" scope: str """Scope based on how this relation should be used. Will be either ``"global"`` or ``"container"``. """ optional: bool """If True, the relation is considered optional. This value is informational only and is not used by Juju itself (all relations are optional from Juju's perspective), but it may be set in ``metadata.yaml`` and used by the charm code if appropriate. """ VALID_SCOPES = ['global', 'container'] def __init__(self, role: RelationRole, relation_name: str, raw: '_RelationMetaDict'): assert isinstance(role, RelationRole), \ f"role should be one of {list(RelationRole)!r}, not {role!r}" self._default_scope = self.VALID_SCOPES[0] self.role = role self.relation_name = relation_name self.interface_name = raw['interface'] self.limit = limit = raw.get('limit', None) if limit is not None and not isinstance(limit, int): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f"limit should be an int, not {type(limit)}") self.scope = raw.get('scope') or self._default_scope if self.scope not in self.VALID_SCOPES: raise TypeError("scope should be one of {}; not '{}'".format( ', '.join(f"'{s}'" for s in self.VALID_SCOPES), self.scope)) self.optional = raw.get('optional', False)
[docs]class StorageMeta: """Object containing metadata about a storage definition.""" storage_name: str """Name of storage.""" type: str """Storage type, "filesystem" or "block".""" description: str """Text description of the storage.""" shared: bool """True if all units of the application share the storage.""" read_only: bool """True if the storage is read-only.""" minimum_size: Optional[str] """Minimum size of the storage.""" location: Optional[str] """Mount point of the storage.""" multiple_range: Optional[Tuple[int, Optional[int]]] """Range of numeric qualifiers when multiple storage units are used.""" properties = List[str] """List of additional characteristics of the storage.""" def __init__(self, name: str, raw: '_StorageMetaDict'): self.storage_name = name self.type = raw['type'] self.description = raw.get('description', '') self.shared = raw.get('shared', False) self.read_only = raw.get('read-only', False) self.minimum_size = raw.get('minimum-size') self.location = raw.get('location') self.multiple_range = None if 'multiple' in raw: range = raw['multiple']['range'] if range[-1] == '+': self.multiple_range = (int(range[:-1]), None) elif '-' not in range: self.multiple_range = (int(range), int(range)) else: range = range.split('-') self.multiple_range = (int(range[0]), int(range[1]) if range[1] else None) = raw.get('properties', [])
[docs]class ResourceMeta: """Object containing metadata about a resource definition.""" resource_name: str """Name of the resource.""" type: str """Type of the resource. One of ``"file"`` or ``"oci-image"``.""" filename: Optional[str] """Filename of the resource file.""" description: str """A description of the resource. This will be empty string (rather than None) if not set in ``metadata.yaml``. """ def __init__(self, name: str, raw: '_ResourceMetaDict'): self.resource_name = name self.type = raw['type'] self.filename = raw.get('filename', None) self.description = raw.get('description', '')
[docs]class PayloadMeta: """Object containing metadata about a payload definition.""" payload_name: str """Name of the payload.""" type: str """Payload type.""" def __init__(self, name: str, raw: Dict[str, Any]): self.payload_name = name self.type = raw['type']
[docs]class JujuAssumesCondition(enum.Enum): """Distinguishes between :class:`JujuAssumes` that must match all or any features.""" ALL = 'all-of' """All features are required to satisfy the requirement.""" ANY = 'any-of' """Any of the features satisfies the requirement."""
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class JujuAssumes: """Juju model features that are required by the charm. See the `Juju docs <>`_ for a list of available features. """ features: List[Union[str, 'JujuAssumes']] condition: JujuAssumesCondition = JujuAssumesCondition.ALL
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, raw: List[Any], condition: JujuAssumesCondition = JujuAssumesCondition.ALL, ) -> 'JujuAssumes': """Create new JujuAssumes object from list parsed from YAML.""" features: List[Union[str, 'JujuAssumes']] = [] for feature in raw: if isinstance(feature, str): features.append(feature) else: for nested_condition, nested_features in feature.items(): features.append(JujuAssumes.from_list( nested_features, JujuAssumesCondition(nested_condition))) return cls(features=features, condition=condition)
[docs]class ActionMeta: """Object containing metadata about an action's definition.""" def __init__(self, name: str, raw: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): raw = raw or {} = name self.title = raw.get('title', '') self.description = raw.get('description', '') self.parameters = raw.get('params', {}) # {<parameter name>: <JSON Schema definition>} self.required = raw.get('required', []) # [<parameter name>, ...] self.additional_properties = raw.get('additionalProperties', True)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class ContainerBase: """Metadata to resolve a container image.""" os_name: str """Name of the OS. For example: ``ubuntu`` """ channel: str """Channel of the OS in format ``track[/risk][/branch]`` as used by Snaps. For example: ``20.04/stable`` or ``18.04/stable/fips`` """ architectures: List[str] """List of architectures that this charm can run on."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: '_ContainerBaseDict') -> 'ContainerBase': """Create new ContainerBase object from dict parsed from YAML.""" return cls( os_name=d['name'], channel=d['channel'], architectures=d['architectures'], )
[docs]class ContainerMeta: """Metadata about an individual container.""" name: str """Name of the container (key in the YAML).""" resource: Optional[str] """Reference for an entry in the ``resources`` field. Specifies the oci-image resource used to create the container. Must not be present if a base/channel is specified. """ bases: Optional[List['ContainerBase']] """List of bases for use in resolving a container image. Sorted by descending order of preference, and must not be present if resource is specified. """ def __init__(self, name: str, raw: Dict[str, Any]): = name self._mounts: Dict[str, ContainerStorageMeta] = {} self.bases = None self.resource = None # This is not guaranteed to be populated/is not enforced yet if raw: self._populate_mounts(raw.get('mounts', [])) self.resource = raw.get('resource') self.bases = [ContainerBase.from_dict(base) for base in raw.get('bases', ())] if self.resource and self.bases: raise model.ModelError('A container may specify a resource or base, not both.') @property def mounts(self) -> Dict[str, 'ContainerStorageMeta']: """An accessor for the mounts in a container. Dict keys match key name in :class:`StorageMeta` Example:: storage: foo: type: filesystem location: /test containers: bar: mounts: - storage: foo - location: /test/mount """ return self._mounts def _populate_mounts(self, mounts: List['_MountDict']): """Populate a list of container mountpoints. Since Charm Metadata v2 specifies the mounts as a List, do a little data manipulation to convert the values to "friendly" names which contain a list of mountpoints under each key. """ for mount in mounts: storage = mount.get("storage", "") mount = mount.get("location", "") if not mount: continue if storage in self._mounts: self._mounts[storage].add_location(mount) else: self._mounts[storage] = ContainerStorageMeta(storage, mount)
[docs]class ContainerStorageMeta: """Metadata about storage for an individual container. If multiple locations are specified for the same storage, such as Kubernetes subPath mounts, ``location`` will not be an accessible attribute, as it would not be possible to determine which mount point was desired, and ``locations`` should be iterated over. """ storage: str """Name for the mount point, which should exist in the keys of the charm's :class:`StorageMeta`. """ def __init__(self, storage: str, location: str): = storage self._locations: List[str] = [location]
[docs] def add_location(self, location: str): """Add an additional mount point to a known storage.""" self._locations.append(location)
@property def locations(self) -> List[str]: """An accessor for the list of locations for a mount.""" return self._locations @property def location(self) -> str: """The location the storage is mounted at. Raises: RuntimeError: if there is more than one mount point with the same backing storage - use :attr:`locations` instead. """ if len(self._locations) == 1: return self._locations[0] raise RuntimeError( "container has more than one mount point with the same backing storage. " "Request .locations to see a list" )